Introducing The Energy Codes® Coaching
Are you up for expanding your consciousness? To go beyond the mind to the whole of who you are, to be more highly conscious than you have ever been before? If you are ready for something BIGGER, then The Energy Codes® Coaching and Facilitation programmes are for you. Find out more below.
“Everything is Energy” and the atoms in your body are made of 99.99% nothing.
Quantum science tells us that everything is made of energy, including you, which means that your physical body, your thoughts and emotions are all simply energies vibrating at different frequencies. Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transformed. When we work with energy in its raw form, without resorting to labels or allowing the mind to write a story about what it all means, we enable our own healing at a deep, deep level. You learn how to raise your energetic frequency beyond the lower vibration of the mind alone, opening to your own higher power and balancing your energy. The Energy Codes® are a gentle and effective route to inner healing that assist you in embodying the truth of who you are; mind, body, heart and spirit as one.
“The Mind plus the Body are closer to the Essential Self than the Mind alone.” Dr. Sue Morter
What are The Energy Codes®?

The Energy Codes® are a set of practices devised by Dr Sue Morter, who is a qualified chiropractor and health pioneer in energy healing and energy medicine at the Morter Institute for Bio-Energetics. Following her spiritual awakening, during a meditation in which she accessed a high-level state of consciousness in the energy field, Dr Sue consulted scientists in order to gain an understanding of her profound encounter from a quantum science perspective. As she herself began to heal from a scoliosis (curvature of the spine) she has since dedicated her life to codifying this life-altering experience, developing a set of practices with the intention of enabling her patients to have transformative healing experiences of their own. The Energy Codes® are a road map for deep inner healing, merging science and spirituality with practical tools including yoga for embodiment, breathwork, meditations and Dr Sue’s Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (BEST), which are designed to develop your connection between mind, body, heart and spirit, so that you can physically integrate and embody all of the energies that you are, to live in wholeness. Dr Sue’s work has helped thousands of people to overcome pain, depression, anxiety and dis-ease, awakening to their creatorship through revealing innate wisdom and inner power. Through my personalised Energy Codes® coaching plan or study group I know that you can too.
The Mind as the "Protective Personality"
“The Mind thinks different kinds of thoughts when it is connected to the Body, than it does when it is all alone doing it’s thing.” Dr Sue Morter
Do you always believe what your mind tells you? What if your gut had more of a say? And your breath was an ally?
Many of us spend a lot of time in our heads, thinking thoughts, predicting the future and re-living the past through our memories, letting our Mind run riot in its own story writing. Our Mind is hard-wired for survival, and as the Protective Personality, the Mind thinks it is running the show, causing us to doubt, fear, question and shy away from the unknown. We think that we ARE the Mind, yet we can become self-aware of the thoughts that we repeatedly think, so who is the “I” that is observing, that is the awareness? The “I” is you, the real you, not the Mind but the whole of you, the rest of who you are. We forget that we are more than our Mind – that we are connected to Body and Breath. When we remember that our body holds innate intelligence and when we breathe conscious breath, we can tune into that intelligence and bring more of who we are to our physical being.
“There is nothing wrong, nothing missing, nothing broken”. Dr Sue Morter
Embrace life challenges and raise your vibrational frequency
“You are everything that is, was and will be. You are already that. Just waiting to be revealed.” Michelle Falcon
Sometimes life seemingly pushes us in the opposite direction to that which we want, and often counter-intuitively, leads us to a path of learning from which we emerge with new insights. Life is a journey to awaken to your power, and the way to that is through accepting the challenge to embrace life, no matter what it throws at you. You go through rough challenges, not to survive despite of it, but to thrive because of it.
Have you ever looked back on a time that was tough and thought to yourself, “that was awful, but if it hadn’t happened then I never would have… [fill in your own blank]”? We have our life experiences in order to learn and grow from them; they are here to serve us. It’s just that in that moment of pain, we don’t see it that way… yet. The Energy Codes® will teach you how to Quantum Flip those experiences the instant they happen, to flip that pain into bliss and to learn what you need to learn right now, in the moment. And that means you can let go of the pain right now; there is no longer any need to hold onto for years, that grudge, that argument, that family dispute, no longer even to hold onto something as big as that tragic circumstance.
Have you ever looked back on a time that was tough and thought to yourself, “that was awful, but if it hadn’t happened then I never would have… [fill in your own blank]”? We have our life experiences in order to learn and grow from them; they are here to serve us. It’s just that in that moment of pain, we don’t see it that way… yet. The Energy Codes® will teach you how to Quantum Flip those experiences the instant they happen, to flip that pain into bliss and to learn what you need to learn right now, in the moment. And that means you can let go of the pain right now; there is no longer any need to hold onto for years, that grudge, that argument, that family dispute, no longer even to hold onto something as big as that tragic circumstance.
“All emotions are created equal”
Many of us go through life quashing certain feelings that we label as negative and when we do that, we create pain for ourselves, shutting down the communication with the rest of who we are. We push emotions away and deny them, but what we are feeling, are just rising energies that we have given labels to; “anger”, “fear”, “sadness”, “love”….
What if all feelings were created equal and all we had to do was feel them? Are you ready to learn to embrace life, to welcome home the rest of YOU?
Only when we feel into our body with total acceptance do we find ourselves; you dissolve the pain by hugging it as PART OF YOU, every emotional frequency from dark to light, and the consequence is that you find peace in your soul, whatever that peace is for you. And when you find peace in your soul, re-connecting mind, body, heart and spirit to wholeness, healing happens as a by-product of your bio-energetic alignment.
How does breath work and what is embodiment?
Your breath is what makes you conscious. Breath is consciousness in a body and we are nothing without it. You are mind AND body together not mind OR body diverged, and breath is what connects the two. When we learn to breathe deeply conscious breaths, we build circuitry that re-connects mind, body and breath together once more to "re-member" who we are as an embodied whole. As a result, we experience a freedom and an expansiveness that enables us to move from victim of life to creator of life. When we anchor breath (consciousness) in the body, we are free to be who we want to be because there is a grounding stability and fullness that comes from that and this is embodiment of the Energy Being that you truly are. Breath is the power source to the body and the mind; where henceforth you had been too busy listening to the chatter of the mind alone, breath brings the stillness of the essential or soulful self, in which answers can be found. Breath moves your energy, releasing trapped emotions and trauma without the need for identification or understanding of the exact cause. Your mind will want to write a story for you, it will want to understand, but your breath has so much more capability to bring powerful shifts to your energy; clearing subconscious patterning, restoring balance in your body systems and allowing you to feel so much more like the "real you".
Be the ONE You!
What would happen if you let go of the armour? If you were to completely melt the Protective Personality, the defensiveness, the performing self? Could you stop being the you that is the YOU in front of your parents, the you that is the YOU in the company of your friends, the you that is the YOU at work? Could you instead be ONE YOU, the GENUINE and AUTHENTIC YOU, ALWAYS?
Allow me to guide you in your spiritual awakening...
Michelle Falcon, The Energy Codes® Certified Facilitator & Coach, UK
“When you realise that it’s “all the same thing”, you come to a place where there is nothing of which you are afraid. No matter how big the event - the argument with your boss, the lousy upbringing, the violent assault, the trauma, the grief, the loss of bodily function – the worst has already happened and the learning has all been here to serve. It’s hard to accept that… until you reach the point that it isn’t.” Michelle Falcon
I am certified as an Energy Codes® Coach and Energy Codes® Facilitator by Dr Sue Morter and I have studied The Energy Codes® coursework to Level 4 online and in-person with Dr. Sue. As both a student of Dr. Sue and a coach of The Energy Codes® I have had some profound experiences of my own; I know the power of this work and whilst I continue on my own journey, I genuinely rejoice in sharing it with others. I am a Remote Healing graduate at the introductory level and I am a Certified Facilitator which enables me to take group study sessions in The Energy Codes®, in addition to the one-to-one Energy Codes® Coaching sessions that I already offer online and face-to-face. To fully integrate these practices I recommend a programme of 3 – 6 months personal coaching. I work as an Energy Codes® Coach in the UK and with international clients online. In person appointments are available for The Energy Codes® Coaching in Bath, Midsomer Norton and Paulton, Bristol.
Are you ready to be truly you?
To book a coaching programme that will have you Back In Tune with your true self, call or email me now. The first step is to book your free 20 minute discovery call to discuss the outcome you are looking for, explore how this coaching can work for you and ask any questions you may have.
Please visit the other web pages for further information on coaching and therapy or contact me using the button below. |
Online - via Zoom, wherever you are in the UK or overseas. I work with my clients wherever they are in the world, so that you can access the resources you need at your own convenience. Face to Face Sessions are held on specific days at: Zen Rebel Studios, Midsomer Norton, BA3 2DT Elm Hayes Surgery, Paulton, BS39 7SF The Lansdown Clinic, Lansdown Road, Bath, BA1 5EE Office Hours Monday 9.00am - 2.00pm Tuesday 9.00am - 3.30pm Wednesday 9.30am - 4.00pm Friday 10.00am - 6.00pm Email, text or call (please leave a voicemail) |